The second time was opening for Dirty Three in London in 1998. She was oddly not backed by them even though this was right after Moon Pix came out. Her band was sloppy and it wasn't really all that great. Dirty Three were transcendental.
The third (and so far, final) time was a few months later at the Starry Plough. This time she actually was backed by Dirty Three and it was fucking awesome. My (previously mentioned) friend Steve Lazar was in town from Arcata and wanted to stick around after the show to attempt to "meet" Chan Marshall. It didn't seem sensible to me but we ended up standing around for a while until it was evident that his attempts would probably be rebuffed.
This is another record that I purchased a long time ago and simply filed away without listening to it. It is much better than I expected it to be, in that it is quite good.
Mine is numbered with a Hello Kitty stamp out of 500, which leads me to believe that there aren't a lot of these.
Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, the debut single from Cat Power.
Headlights b/w Darling Said Sir (The Making Of Americans)
2. Darling Said Sir
thanks so much for posting all this great rare music i'd never get to hear otherwise. i downloaded a bunch of stuff.
do you have anything by Jagolinzer or Sing-Sing?
wow! thanks so much for this!
Nice work! x
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