Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pukekos TV

Pukekos TV #6 features the following music videos:

Roxy Music - Editions Of You
Normal Love - Lend Some Treats
The Rapture - Notes>>>
Cat Power - Cross Bones Style
David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World
Blank Dogs - Setting Fire To Your House
Deep Time - Clouds
Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band - Hello Mabel

Produced by BJ Rubin
Graphics by Lauren Martin

Thanks to Matt Anderson, Jason Baxter, Jacqueline Castel, Amnon Freidlin, Haoyan Of America, Ruben Mendez, Lorne Michaels, DC Schneider, Weasel Walter & Bekah Zietz

Original Airdate - 12/6/12 on BCAT2 in Brooklyn

©2012 Dick Move Productions

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