Thursday, September 22, 2011

The BJ Rubin Show

The BJ Rubin Show is now airing in Manhattan on MNN's Lifestyle Channel (Time Warner 56, RCN 83, Verizon 34):

09/22/11 4pm
10/06/11 4pm
10/20/11 4pm
11/03/11 4pm
11/17/11 4pm
12/01/11 4pm
12/15/11 4pm

If you're in Brooklyn, you can catch it on BCAT (Cablevision 68, Time Warner 35, RCN 83, Verizon 43):

10/06/11 2pm
11/03/11 2pm
12/01/11 2pm

The BJ Rubin Show
Starring David Earl Buddin, BJ Rubin, Kevin Shea and Weasel Walter