I was excited to go to Amoeba as that was when I was in the planning stages of this blog and I wanted to get some new items to share with the world. Oddly I spent a bunch of money there but now that I look through the records there aren't too many that I feel like I need to share with the world right away.
I never saw Kid Dynamo but I think I used to hang out with people who were in the band, if that means anything to you. It was a number of years ago and my memory isn't what it used to be.
Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, 3 sides of Kid Dynamo.
Super Suicide. (Kirbdog)
2. Kryptonite
3. Bubbledumb
Kid Dynamo/Trackstar (Chococolate River (Deconstructions))
Another! I went to a crazy party in some caves where a rich hippie lived in the side of a mountain with them and I tried to seduce the singer. They were good live. Really good. And this another 7" that I no longer have.
I was buddies with all the guys in this band, they are amazing and it only got better. In fact the band im in now is doing a cover of kryptonite. By any chance do you have the lyrics. I converted all their stuff to CD a while ago. Maybe I could trade lyrics for some of their other songs.
I saw Kid Dynamo play at Gilman in Berkeley and again at the Bear's Lair on the UC Berkeley campus. The latter show was with Archers of Loaf, Nectarine, and a few other amazing bands. I got a demo tape from the Kid Dynamo guys and I bought the two 7" records you posted photos of on your blog. They were an amazing band both live and on record. Thanks for posting these files.
B.J. I was wondering if you have ever come across any 7" singles by the band Rocketship. I know they put a couple 7" singles out on the Bus Stop label. One was called "Hey Hey Girl." Very good indie pop stuff from the early-mid 90s.
holy crap man! i'm 31 now and i saw these guys play in a dive in knoxville, TN when i was a teenager. thanks for bringing them back to me.
Hello looks like we are doing a little get together and play some songs you are all invited ....sept 5th 2009. matt dynamo
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