This record is a real gem. I discovered it in a record store in Portland, OR whilst I was pursuing some sort of long distance love affair. I believe the record was somewhere in the $6-$8 range, but I decided that I had to have it despite the fact that I had never heard of the band. I went back to my friend Alex's house and much to our delight the record was amazing! I have been unable to track down much information about this band except the fact that the label had an address in Berkeley, CA. I pitched a story once that involved me flying out there and trying to discover Tom Ward, the author and singer of both songs and thus supposed leader of the band. As the magazine I pitched it to was run by my roommate and didn't have the funds to cover my travel, I never wrote that article. Perhaps you know something I don't? Perhaps you could help me write that story?
Ladies and gentleman, for your listening pleasure, a single by
Deutschland Über Disco b/w Replaceable Parts (Commodity Fetish Enterprises)

1. Deutschland Über Disco
2. Replaceable Parts
Tom Ward is now living somewhere in San Francisco, from what I here Tom hasn't been making music since his last demo tape was released in 1998.
send me a IM if you are interested in learning more about the Funktionaries.
If you are looking for more information on tom ward and his funktionaries send me a e-mail @
I may be able to set you up with his phone number if you are interested.
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