I rediscovered Duster recently after not having listened to them much over the past few years. I saw them play a few times when I was a resident of Oakland, CA -- once or twice (I can't actually remember now) at Bottom Of The Hill and once in San Jose with
The Apples In Stereo. When I moved out to the east coast people were slightly jealous as they had never really toured. I chalked this fact up to prodigious amounts of marijuana being smoked, but I could be wrong.
Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, 2 singles by
Transmission, Flux (Up)

1. Orbitron
2. Fuzz And Timbre
3. My Friends Are Cosmonauts
4. Closer To The Speed Of Sound
5. Stars Will Fall
Apex, Trance-Like (Smoothlips)

1. Four Hours
2. Light Years
www.thestaticcultlabel.com has some new records from EIAFUAWN and Helvetia, both Duster-related and amazing!
Thanks for these man! I wonder if you have their two longer releases - 1975 & Stratosphere? I can't find them anywhere. Cheers
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