I did manage to procure this record from Sound & Fury, however.
This was a "supergroup", although not in the sense that it had Sebastian Bach or Ted Nugent in it (although it probably couldn't have hurt).
Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a single by Nazti Skinz.
Sic Semper Tyrannis (Youth Attack)
2. Boot Lick
3. No Accident
4. Tirade
5. Criminal Crime
6. Race War
my blog @ lethesounds.blogspot.com
has this EP plus a full live set!
I ran into Kundo (the singer) last year at The Echo here in LA. Having realized that it was him, I called him out on Nazti Skinz, in an almost accusing tone (probably didn't help that I was drunk). He told me one of the members now works in Guantanamo Bay (far be it from me the validity of this). Drunk as I was, I had mistaken it for San Quentin Prison because I asked him "What's he doing up north?"
I'm sure that he will always remember me as a drunken idiot. I love this record!
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