This is another example of me being about to post something and then realizing that there was one more single that I could acquire and then submit to you their entire recorded output. So I purchased the second single from England and had it shipped over here at my own expense just so I could share it with you. I hope you enjoy it!
Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Flowers.
Earcom 1 (Fast Product)
1. Criminal Waste
2. After Dark
Confessions b/w (Life) After Dark (Pop: Aural)
2. (Life) After Dark
Ballad Of Miss Demeanour (Pop: Aural)
1. Ballad Of Miss Demeanour
2. Food
3. Tear Along
thanks so much, love this band
Hey, excellent post - I recently picked up both Flowers' 7"s 2nd hand (because of the Bob Last connection & the lovely sleeves) & they're both WAY better than I was expecting. Ta for uploading, I can bang 'em out on my laptop now... x
Wonderful band.
After Dark is one of the great lost tracks of the post-punk era.
Thank you for sharing.
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