Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Peppermints

I saw The Peppermints once at Starfoods in Manhattan. I cannot remember who else was playing, but it was one of the evenings in the early to mid oughts where I could be found DJing. The band seemed especially enthused by my choices, but I was pretty drunk so I cannot recall quite what they were.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Peppermints.

The Peppermints/Firefighters For Christ (Pet Set)
1. Bad Houses
2. Cross To Bear... Bells In Your Head
3. Hot Guitars

Sweet Tooth Abortion (Pandacide)
1. Rodeo
2. Octopus
3. Nancy
4. Down + Down
5. Snailbait
6. Babies
7. Never Matter
8. Jay Says
9. I.P. Freely On Black Velvet
10. Walk/Walkin'
11. It Was Four
12. I'll Ignore A Whore

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