Monday, June 8, 2009

Diet Cola

My buddy Josh is like me in that one project isn't enough to satisfy him. He is pretty busy as he plays in Deerhunter and SIDS, runs the Army of Bad Luck label, and is an all around good guy. I first met him when Puttin' on the Ritz played with Deerhunter at the Llano Estacado (the space that is now called Monster Island Basement); someday I will have to discover the photographs from that evening (and I know they exist). Whiskey was poured down my throat as I was hit in the head with beer cans whilst being wrapped in toilet paper. I'm sure it was a memorable event for all involved (except for myself, the whiskey obliterated most of the specifics from that evening). For the record neither Josh nor his cohorts were responsible for any of the mayhem, but they seemed to be enjoying it nonetheless.

I saw Josh in London this past September as we headlined a show with Deerhunter (we were supposed to play first, but once Bradford discovered that we were playing too he insisted that he wouldn't go on after us). It is always nice to catch up with old friends.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Diet Cola.

Diet Cola EP (Army of Bad Luck)
1. Early Learning
2. Wicked Witch Of The Northeast
3. Sick Modern
4. Anything Poisonous


Anonymous said...

got any of josh's Action Porn stuff? it's golden.i got the 7" but no means to convert to mp3. :(

Anonymous said...

Josh indeed is a cool guy. I met him last summer at an in store (Vacation rules!) and see him around time to time. Love what you're doing with this blog.

PS - my word verification for this comment was cracknes; fyi.